Educational Project:

Trebah and Carhays Gardens

The project was led by Dance Republic 2 and was a bespoke multi academy Aspire trust schools project at Caerhays Garden and Trebah Garden in Summer 2017.

The intention was to bring together teachers and pupils from a group of schools to work together, fostering a greater sense of community and belonging between schools that may never have met each other before.

Dance performances and visual arts installations

Each school was given the task to identify a local hero. This could be a local figure of historic importance, someone who had made a contribution to society or it may have been someone famous whose birthplace was in the location of the school or who had attended the school.

We asked the teachers to select and gather research about the individual with the children thinking about objects, symbols and images connected to the chosen local hero. From their drawings each class designed a banner and by cutting and sticking produced a colourful display across the two locations.

Each child also made a section of bunting which joined the different banners together and helped to set the stage for each dance performance. Teamwork at its best insured they worked with a common goal in mind.

Both gardens provided spectacular settings where the children performed their dance pieces moving from castle to open lawn and ending up in both cases on the beach.

Being part of a large scale performance outside the walls of the school and meeting other children sparked future possible initiatives which would never be considered if working in isolation.